Temporary Registration

Subject to appointment availability, you are welcome to be seen as a Temporary Resident if you become unwell whilst staying in our area. You will need to complete a GMS3199 Temporary Services form (see downloadable documents) with details of your home GP surgery. 

You only need to register if you need treatment.

Temporary registration lasts for a maximum of 3 months.

If you are staying with a family in our area, you should register at the same surgery that they use. If this is The Quarter Jack Surgery, please ask for the name of their family doctor – we practice family medicine and will temporarily register you with the same GP. 


If you are in the area for less than 24 hours and need immediate treatment, we will see you in the surgery or direct you to another appropriate service such as the Minor Injuries Clinic at Wimborne Hospital or Improved Access Clinic at Wimborne & Poole Hospitals.

If you are seen in the surgery, this is known as ‘Immediately Necessary’ treatment and covers treatment for 24 hours only. 


Fully qualified pharmacists are available to speak to in our attached Boots pharmacy and all local pharmacies.

If you have forgotten to bring your usual medication on holiday, the quickest and easiest way of obtaining a repeat prescription is to ask your home surgery to send an electronic prescription to the pharmacy of your choice. All you need is the postcode of the pharmacy. The postcode of our attached Boots pharmacy is BH21 1AP.

If this is not possible and you have documentation with you to show your usual medication (ie a repeat prescription slip) a doctor will decide if he/she needs to see youbefore issuing the prescription. We give a maximum of 2 weeks of routine repeat medication and this process takes a minimum of 2 days.

The doctor will sometimes need to verify your repeat status with your home GP before issuing a prescription.


If you are staying in our area (your address is where you stay overnight) for more than 24 hours but less than 3 months and it is not reasonable for you to return home for treatment, you can be seen at the surgery.

Most of our patients who become acutely unwell see our Nurse Practitioners who are fully qualified prescribing nurses. If the nurse feels that you need to see a GP, she will arrange a return appointment for you.

Treatment that is clinically necessary will be offered at the discretion of the nurse or GP. The nurse or GP will need sufficient medical information about you to treat you safely, therefore, not all treatments will be offered.


We use the clinical system TPP SystmOne and details of any treatment offered or given will appear on your SystmOne record. This will be ‘shared out’ electronically with other SystmOne users – many local hospitals use SystmOne and your home GP may also use it. Communication regarding your consultation and treatment will be sent via the NHS to your home GP.


If you require continued treatment after 3 months, you will need to apply for permanent registration at the surgery. This could be using your local address if it has become more permanent or as an Out of Area patient using your away address.

Please ask for our separate leaflet explaining Out of Area registration if needed. 

Link to downloadable documents


Temporary Registration