Pneumonia Vaccination

If you have been invited by text to have a pneumonia vaccination, click here :

Patients aged 65+ are recommended to have a pneumonia vaccination.  Most patients need one vaccination per lifetime.

Patients with certain medical conditions are recommended to have a pneumonia vaccination and some of those need a booster every 5 years.


Pneumonia vaccination is built in to the childhood vaccination programme.

More information can be found at:

Pneumonia is a serious disease – more information can be found at:

If you are aged 65+ or have been invited for vaccination and do not wish to have the vaccination, please complete the form below and we will amend your records:

Pneumonia Vaccination

Pneumonia Vaccination

Please check with the surgery if you are eligible on medical grounds for a pneumonia vaccination.

Most patients only need 1 vaccination per lifetime, if you think you need a 5 year booster on medical grounds, please check with the surgery.

If you would like a vaccination, please contact the surgery for a nurse appointment.

Please complete the form below and we will note this on your records.

(You are free to change your mind at any time)