Blood Pressure Medication Review

Please fill in the form below before your appointment.

Respiratory Clinics – Asthma and COPD

Asthma: All patients with asthma will be asked to complete an asthma review questionnaire once a year. If we hold...

NHS Health Checks

NHS Health Checks are offered to patients aged 40-74. It is a free 20 minute check up with carried out...

Cardiac Clinics including Hypertension and Heart Failure Reviews

If you have a cardiovascular condition you will be invited for a review at least once a year. Depending on...

Diabetic Reviews

All patients with diabetes will be invited for yearly checks, either at the surgery or in hospital. If you have...

MSK and Physiotheraphy

We are able to offer appointments for musculoskeletal issues such as back pain, neck pain, knee pain and back pain...

Minor Surgery

We can offer Minor Surgery appointments for dermatological problems such as removal of cysts, skin tags and lesions. To access...

Blood Tests

We offer blood test appointments including INR testing. Appointments can be booked for blood tests online, at reception or by...

Baby Checks and Childhood Immunisation Programme

For new mothers and their babies, we will contact you ask you to come in for a GP review when...

Family Planning

We offer appointments to discuss contraceptive options. These appointments will be either with your GP or our women's health nurse,...

Well Person Checks

We offer Well Person Checks at the surgery. These checks are 20 minutes and any patient aged 16 or above...

Travel Advice at the Wimborne Travel Clinic

If you are travelling abroad you may need to be vaccinated. Appointments for travel advice and health are no longer...