Help Directory

A list of links and contacts which may be of help during the Coronavirus pandemic: Helplines & email links: Please remember, all volunteer services are subject to available…


…in health promotion and education before becoming a practice nurse in 1991. I joined QJS in 1999 and attained my Nurse Practitioner degree from Bournemouth University in 2002. I had…


…Who are we? We are volunteer patients who work with the managers and clinicians at The Quarter Jack Surgery to support and promote the best possible health care for…

Patient Participation Group

…bring something different to the group to support the practice. Its members are volunteer patients who work with the practices managers and clinicians to support and promote the best possible…

Text Messaging and Email Consent

…health promotion. We always strive to maintain confidentiality of your information and will continue to do so while using this system. To help us do this, it is important that…

Useful Links

…Charities Charity information is not promoted or recommended by the surgery but some patients may find the following links useful: Age UK Alzheimer’s Society Arthritis Care Carers UK Diabetes…

Practice Fair Processing & Privacy Notice

…2006 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012 invests statutory functions on GP Practices to promote and provide the health service in England, improve quality of services, reduce inequalities,…