The Quarter Jack Surgery is a research practice.
Research can:
- Find new and better ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases or conditions
- Test new ideas that could improve the lives of people receiving health or social care
- Look at the costs and benefits of making changes in the community. Examples include introducing exercise programmes or screening for cancer in certain age groups
- Help us understand how NHS and social care services can run in a more efficient way.
For more information visit the National Institute for Health and Care Research website.
When research projects become available, we will post them on this web page. This will include a little information about each study.
Current research projects
PREVAIL Study (ongoing);
A trial that aims to evaluate the outcomes of CONQUEST, a COPD quality improvement programme designed to help GP practices identify and optimise the treatment of both diagnosed and undiagnosed COPD patients at high, but modifiable, risk of exacerbations.
DURATION-UTI Study (new);
This research aims to find the shortest antibiotic treatment duration needed to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women effectively. We will also look at the impact of each antibiotic and treatment duration on antibiotic resistance in bacteria found in the patient’s urine.
OPTIMIZE2 Study (new);
This trial will establish whether deprescribing (stopping) common drugs that lower blood pressure is safe in the elderly population.
The study will attempt to answer;
- What is the effect of deprescribing on hospital admissions and death.
- Does deprescribing affect health-related quality of life
- Does deprescribing offer value for money to the NHS
RELOAD (new)
This study is to assess the feasibility of collecting specific audio recording samples and linked clinical data, and explore efficacy of modelling progression of respiratory tract infections using machine learning via an app.
The practice will be remotely sending eligible patients’ invitations to sign up to the app to participate in the study. If you present to the surgery with a cough less than 7days old and are diagnosed by one of the staff with a respiratory tract infection and wish to participate please enquire.
Download a leaflet about this study with further information.
If you require this information in an alternative format, please contact reception.