Mental health problems can affect the way you think, feel and behave. For some people, these feelings go away naturally without any long-term challenges, but for others, these negative emotions can become worse over time. This can result in a serious mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression, which can have a negative effect on your wellbeing and quality of life. However, mental health conditions are treatable and it’s possible for you to make a full recovery – the most important step is to get help.
For Urgent Help:
Connection – 0800 652 0190 or dial 111 and select ‘mental health’. A 24/7 Helpline for all ages offering mental health support.
Shout – Text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258. A 24/7 Free confidential text support service.
Samaritans – Call 116 123. Charity offering mental health support 24/7
Counselling and self-referral options available on NHS:
Steps to Wellbeing – 0800 484 0500. Multiple types of therapy and individual / group help. For people over 18 years for all types of mental health problems.
Dorset Mind – Website detailing resources available for those suffering with mental health problems.
NHS Every Mind Matters – Get a ‘mind plan’ and find resources to help support mental health.
Specific to Younger Person Mental Health:
CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. Website with multiple resources and help available for young people and parents in Dorset.
Dorset Mind Young People Services – Dorset Mind Young People Services aim to help 10-18 year old’s of Dorset; by providing them with the resources, tools, information and advice as well as the services to support learning to live well with good mental health and resilience.
Kooth – Support space and community for mental health with access to mental health practitioners online. Space to write daily journals and read helpful articles to support recovery.
Chat Health – Support via messaging system for children in year 7 and above (age 11-19). Run by school nursing team.
Clear Fear – App to help overcome and manage anxiety.
Calm Halm – App to help manage and resist the urge to self harm.
The Mix – Website with Expert stories and guidance for young people. Links to first-hand accounts from others with mental health problems. Also has a chat function and crisis information.
Other services:
The Retreat – Drop in service in Bournemouth from 16:30 to 23:00 every day. Based on Hahnemann road they offer face to face and virtual help. Hahnemann House, Hahnemann Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5JW